Data Pipeline Architecture For Businesses

Managing the data flow from a resource to a destination system like any data warehouse, creates an essential part of all enterprises looking to produce values from information. Data pipeline architecture is a complicated task as many things could go wrong in the transfer – different data resources might create duplicates, different errors can spread from resources to destination, and data could get corrupted, and more.

In this blog, we have covered the concept of data pipeline architecture as well as why it required to get planned before the integration project. After that, we would see the fundamental parts as well as procedures of the data pipeline. Finally, we have given two examples about data pipeline architecture as well as talk about the finest data pipeline tools.

About Data Pipeline Architecture

About Data Pipeline Architecture

A data pipeline architecture is the planning of objects, which extracts, regulates, as well as routes data into relevant system to obtain important insights.

Unlike the ETL pipelines or any big data pipelines, which involve scraping data from the source, transforming that, as well as loading that into the targeted system, the data pipeline is an extensive terminology. This holds the ETL as well as big data pipelines like a division.

The main difference between data pipeline and ETL is the latter utilizes processing tools for moving data from a system to other, if the data gets changed or not.

Aspects Supporting the Effectiveness of a Data Pipeline

There are three key factors that should be measured while creating a data pipeline:

Input: This is the rate at which data in the pipeline procedure is within specified times.

Dependability: It needs different systems in the data pipeline for being lenient of faults. So, a dependable pipeline has in-built auditing, validation, as well as logging systems, which make sure quality of data.

Expectancy: It means the time needed for a single unit of data for passing through data pipelines. It is basically about the response times than throughputs.

We need to import a few packages to scrape data from a website. The first package is the requests package, which allows us to make HTTP requests to websites. We also need the BeautifulSoup package, which will enable us to parse HTML and extract data. Finally, we need the Pandas package, which allows us to store data in a data frame.

Why Do You Require a Data Pipeline?

As the data pipeline conveys data in rations intended for definite organizational requirements, you may improve all your business analytics and intelligence through getting insights of prompt trends as well as data.

Another main reason, which makes the data pipeline important for business enterprises is, it combines data from various sources for complete analysis, decreases the efforts put in, as well as delivers the necessary information to a project or team.

Furthermore, secured data pipelines could assist administrators in getting access to data. They may allow peripheral or in-house teams to access data, which is important for all the intentions.

Data pipelines improve susceptibilities in the various data stages captured as well as movement. For copying or moving data from a system to other, you need to move that between different storage collections, reformat that for all systems or integrate that with different data resources. An efficiently designed data streaming pipeline architecture unites these smaller pieces for creating a combined system, which delivers values.

Fundamental Parts and Procedures of Data Pipelines Architecture

A data pipeline designs could be classified in the given parts:

Data Sources

Components of data ingestion pipelines architecture assist in retrieving data from different sources like relational DBMS, Hadoop, NoSQL, APIs, cloud sources, and more. After retrieving data, you have to observe safety protocols as well as follow finest practices for perfect performances and reliability.


A few fields could have different elements like zip codes in the address fields or a gathering of many values like business categories. In case, these separate values require to be scraped or definite field elements require to get masked, web data scraping has a role to play here.


Being a part of data pipelines architecture designs, it’s normal for the data to get joined from different resources. Joins identify the logic as well as criteria for a way how data gets pooled.


Usually, data might need regularization on the field-by-field base. It is done for units of measures, elements, dates, size or color, as well as codes applicable to different industry standards.


Datasets usually contain errors like invalid fields including a zip code or state abbreviation, which is no longer available. Similarly, data might also comprise corrupt records, which have to get modified or erased in the different procedure. This step of data pipeline architecture modifies the data earlier than this gets loaded in a destination system.

Loading Data

After the data gets corrected as well as ready to get loaded, it should be moved into the unified systems from where this is used to do reporting and analysis. The targeted system is generally a data warehouse or a relational DBMS. All the target systems need the following finest practices for fine performances and stability.


Usually, data pipelines are implemented many times and generally on the schedule or repeatedly. Scheduling of various processes requires automation for reducing errors, as well as it has to transfer the status for monitoring processes.


Like all other systems, individual steps associated in the data pipeline designs need to be carefully scrutinized. Without doing monitoring, you just can’t correctly regulate if a system is working as anticipated. For example, you can determine when a particular job was started as well as stopped, completion status, total runtime, as well as all applicable error messages.

Data Pipelines Architecture Examples

Let’s go through some most significant examples of big data pipelines:

Batch-Based Data Pipeline

The term batch processing includes handling of data chunks, which have already get stored in a definite time period. For example, handling different transactions, which an important business company has implemented in one month.

The term Batch processing is more appropriate for larger data volumes, which require processing, whereas they don’t need any real-time analytics. Obtaining exhaustive insights with batch-based-data pipelines are more significant than getting quicker analytics results.

In batch-dependent data pipelines, there could be a resource application including a Point-Of-Sale (POS) system that makes data points in larger numbers, which you need to transfer towards data warehouses as well as analytics databases.

The diagram here shows how any batch-based data pipelines system deals:

Batch-Based Data Pipeline

Streaming Data Pipeline

The term stream processing completes operations on the data-in-wave or within real-time. This helps you to quickly sense conditions in a small period of data. Accordingly, you may enter data in an analytics tool when it is made as well as get immediate results.

A streaming data pipeline practices data from a POS system like it is getting produced. A stream processing engine gives outputs from a data pipeline with different marketing apps, data repositories, CRMs, as well as many other applications and also sending back to a POS system.

Here’s an example about how any streaming data pipelines system deals:

Streaming Data Pipeline


Raw datasets comprise data points, which might or might not be vital for a business. Any data pipeline architecture utilizes various software technologies as well as protocols for integrating and managing important business data to streamline analytics and reporting.

Many options are accessible when comes to creating data pipeline architecture, which eases data integration. Amongst the finest data pipeline automation service providers is X-Byte Enterprise Crawling which assists you in extracting, cleaning, transforming, integrating and managing data pipelines without writing even one code.

For more information about data pipeline architecture, contact X-Byte Enterprise Crawling or ask for a free quote!

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