
No matter if it is a popular travel portal or a well-known review website, it’s easy to track or monitor your customer’s success stories. Different hotel reviews are provided by the guests on different travel websites which are a wonderful source for balanced customer experiences that can get analyzed to get actionable insights. For instance, in case, you are a chain of luxury hotels looking to know the clients better, then you could easily extract hotel reviews from travel websites. This is also a very good idea to scrape reviews on the competitors’ hotels ever since this will assist you to recognize their strengths and weaknesses that might boost your market’s strategy. Whereas there’s no lack of hotel reviews on online travel sites, the majority of businesses lack infrastructure, expertise, and sources to scrape hotel reviews from travel websites in an automated and efficient manner.

At X-Byte Enterprise Crawling, we have specialized in large-scale data scraping solutions as well as have been dealing with use cases where clients want to extract hotel reviews from travel websites. As a client, you don’t need to get involved in technically complex characteristics of web scraping and data crawling. It helps you in concentrating on applications of hotel review data as well as other key business functions.

Different Applications of Hotel Reviews Data Scraping


Customer experience has become the most vital differentiator for nearly all kinds of businesses after meeting social media as well as other technological revolutions that provide extra power to customers. In case, you don’t make the customer experience your topmost priority, be ready to miss out on your competitors. That is where the majority of applications of hotel reviews have a role to play.

Through carefully analyzing hotel reviews, different businesses can get valuable insights into the customers as well as their priorities and demands. The impartial nature of the reviews makes that more valued to you being an owner of a hospitality business. Let’s go through the most well-known applications of hotel review scraping.

1. Know Your Customer Preferences

Staying updated with the customers’ preferences is not an option however, an important requirement about running any successful business. In case, your hotel is not addressing the demands of a customer, then your money is lying on the table which ultimately contributes to the customers’ dissatisfaction. For addressing this, it becomes important to first know what your clients are searching for. Extracting hotel reviews could help you recognize the host of problems, which are bothering future customers. Then you can go ahead to pull your customer services for more improvements.

2. Brand Monitoring

With the prevalent spread of social media, clients have become more expressive than ever about positive as well as negative experiences with different services and products they utilize. Brand image is very important because it directly transforms into customer loyalty as well as business growth. It also indicates that your business could be hit seriously even with a single bad experience or review shared online by the customer.

For maintaining an encouraging brand image, you should hear your customers very carefully. Brand monitoring allows you to become updated with the clients and find unaddressed problems before they could reach the PR’s nightmare! Scraping as well as extracting hotel reviews using a travel website is a very easy way of staying updated.

3. Competitor’s Analysis

It is very important to analyze your brand online as well as keep an eye on the competitors thinking about the competitive nature of today’s business domain. At times, reviews given by the competitors’ clients for their services could help you recognize lower-hanging fruits that you could capitalize on. For instance, in case, the competitors’ reviews on hotel pages intimate at the demands for a definite service, be the initial one to include it in your offerings. It can easily assist you in driving more sales without investing more in the study.

4. Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing<br />

Natural language processing witnesses solutions provided by Machine Learning that are concentrated on allowing machines to know the context after human languages. The systems of NLP are playing when you use voice assistant platforms like Siri, Cortana, Google Now, as well as the majority of translation tools. A huge amount of user-generated content is requisite to train the NLP system as well as hotel reviews data proves to be a greater source.

How Does Scraping Hotel Reviews Data Work?


With fully managed services from X-Byte, you don’t need to get bothered about complexities related to scraping hotel reviews.

This project begins with the requirement collecting phase where you just need to share the specific requirements of the websites you want to scrape, frequency of scraping as well as data fields to get scraped.

When we establish the project feasibility, our team sets the crawlers up and begins delivering data in the preferred frequency and format.

At X-Byte, we support different data deliveries in XML, CSV, and JSON through FTP, API, Amazon S3, Dropbox, Box, etc. We take complete ownership of scraping aspects as well as deliver the required data. You can send your requirements to us to get started.

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