
The old saying is that any press is a very good press and might be losing its reliability in the era when press, as well as reviews, are at our fingertips 24×7. Which steps can any company take for protecting its status in the socially quickening world?

By scraping data of brand monitoring, BI (Business Intelligence) teams could both take advantage of positive publicity as well as work on mitigating negative sentiments. Any wide-ranging BI strategy recognizes the multipronged environment of brand monitoring as well as online sentiment analysis through extracting data from different resources as well as analyzing different factors, which include online brand reputation.


Though, manually getting data to do brand monitoring is a determined task. Luckily, we can easily systematize brand monitoring using perceptively designed data crawlers.

In this blog, we’ll provide you with information about some common use cases, which organizations use for producing actionable insights as well as keeping an eye on their brand.

  • Brand Reputation
  • Decision Making Investment
  • Product Development
  • Politics & Campaigns
Brand Reputation

In the highly competitive market of today, monitoring as well as managing a brand presence online is the topmost priority for protecting your reputation. In case, you are not observing your brand online or watching how the products are priced and positioned, you could be in a situation where your brand reputation gets damaged as well as your business hurts.

Decision Making Investment

Research in the business industry has shown that social media opinions and news articles could directly affect the stock market. Both subjective and informational aspects of online articles could affect volatility, trading volume, stock price, as well as market activity.

Today’s market moves very quickly, and getting half a step forward in the competition could be incredibly important. If a lot of firms are getting similar conventional data, investors could distinguish their strategy by including brand monitoring data in the decision-making.

Product Development


You should take some time to turn over the number of forums, reviews, customer service tickets, as well as social media confirmations, which circulate all the time. Any negative review could cost a business different sales, however, without technology for using data expansively, companies usually proceed with the restricted actionable insights regarding how to alter their products – or develop new products. Brand monitoring depending on web extracted data provides product development teams using data-driven insights to change customers’ needs to see as well as the quality of any product’s performance. So, brand monitoring is not only a retroactive but an important tool in product making, planning, as well as design procedures.

Politics & Campaigns


Political sentiments are frequently the most passionately gifted views, which people have. So, sentiment analysis interconnects with politics, and also voting performance, campaign success, as well as partisan changes, are completely rational. This is evident in the last elections that premeditated expectations do not become reality. So, one needs to pay attention to sentiments expressed by candidates, campaigns, legislative bills, as well as high-level job approval.

All these subjects are continuously discussed on social media, forums, as well as article comments, therefore, extracting them is a perfect method for scraping data.

As the internet is constantly growing, the data it produces grows with that, opening some new opportunities for different organizations to advance their procedures and make well-informed decisions. So, we believe that today is the finest time to work. By combining brand monitoring data streams in your organizational procedures, you can assure that your organization becomes disruption-proofed as well as well-prepared for tomorrow.

Know More about Web Scraping for Brand Monitoring

Here at X-Byte, we are in the scraping industry for many years now. We have assisted in scraping web data for over 1,000 clients including Government agencies, Fortune 500 companies, early-stage startups, as well as individuals. We have gained an enormous amount of expertise and experience in data extraction.

If you want to know how to produce actionable insights using web scraping for brand monitoring then contact X-Byte Enterprise Crawling or ask for a free quote!

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