how web scraping is used to build brand architecture

As more items enter the market, it is becoming increasingly important to have a strong brand presence to stand out and attract customers. Many bigger household trademarks, such as Procter & Gamble, incorporate a variety of smaller names. Brand architecture is critical for larger businesses like this one. The process of structuring the subsections of a bigger brand is known as brand architecture.

Web scraping, or the automated extraction of data from a web page, is a data collecting approach that may be used by persons with varying degrees of data knowledge. Using a web scraping tool to collect relevant internet data helps you to design plans based on those findings.

Brand Architecture

Brand Architecture

The organization of sub-brands inside a bigger brand is known as brand architecture. This includes brands in which each division has the same name as the bigger brand, major corporations that possess a variety of brands, and brands that fall somewhere in the between. To gain the rewards, you must first choose the best brand architectural plan for your company.

You must initially gather valuable data to examine your brand before deciding on a strategy. Using a web scraper, you may quickly collect internet data and determine the best strategy. Marketers and consumers alike will be able to grasp how your brands perform together as a unit and independently depending on the scenario if you take the appropriate approach. This helps consumers recognize distinct brands, making it easier for them to choose the items that are best for them.

How to Develop Brand Architecture?

How to Develop Brand Architecture?

You must first analyze the existing condition of your brand and its recognition among customers and marketers before deciding on the best approach for constructing your branding architecture. The best technique for obtaining relevant data is web scraping, which is the automated extraction of data from online pages. Because internet data is so extensive, even tiny businesses just getting started may benefit greatly from this method.

Web scraping may be used to analyze the health of a brand.

  • Online reviews may be used to scrape sentiment analysis data from existing consumers.
  • Internal data from employees, executives, and shareholders should be collected and compared.
  • Data about rival products, prices, and reviews may be scraped from online retailers such as Wayfair.
  • Analyze and design plans using data gathered via online data scraping.

Steps to Analyze the Brand Architecture

Steps to Analyze the Brand Architecture

You should customize your system based on the kind of brand you’re dealing with after you’ve employed web scraping to obtain relevant internet data. The three primary brand strategies are listed below.

The Branded Home

The Branded Home

A Branded home is made up of sub-brands that share the same name as the main brand. For instance, FedEx is a major company with several divisions, including FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, and FedEx Services. Even though the three smaller businesses specialize in distinct services, they are all identifiable by the main FedEx logo. Branded houses may also refer to local chapters of a non-profit that works in a specific community or even worldwide arts festivals.

When designing a branded home model, the purpose is to boost the major brand, which in turn strengthens the lesser brands. However, because the common name might be confusing for customers, it’s also vital to emphasize contrasts between the sub-brands. Using brand architecture to get clarity helps customers and marketers you may deal with comprehend the distinctions.

The House of Brands

The House of Brands

The home of brands is located opposite the branded house. Procter & Gamble is the most well-known example, as it owns smaller brands like Crest, Charmin, and Cascade. Consumers with prior knowledge of the lesser brands would be confused if each acquired brand was renamed to reflect the bigger Procter & Gamble moniker. In this case, it’s best to combine brands for things that people would ordinarily buy together (like dish soap and laundry detergent) so that they’re buying from numerous brands inside your bigger brand portfolio.

Using web scraping technologies to discover more about your customers might help you come up with new strategies to bundle diverse brands together. You may scan social media accounts, to see which other businesses customers already follow. If you’re lucky, you’ll have two of such brands in your home, and your objective will be to associate those things with the larger brand in the public’s mind.

The Endorsed Brand

The Endorsed Brand

The authorized brand is somewhere in the middle of the two. While the sub-brands may share the same name as the parent company, each serves a separate purpose. Companies in the technology sector are a good example. Google controls Gmail, Google Photos, Google Maps, and a slew of other services that are all integrated into one Google account. While each application is technologically advanced and accessible over the internet, each serves a distinct function for consumers.

Customers will grow more committed and stay with you because your brand matures if you emphasize how the goods link or operate together.

How Web Scraping is Used to Develop Brand Architecture Policy?

Data extraction is a valuable technique for gathering information about your brand and determining the best plan for moving forward. Some of the advantages of having a good approach, as well as how web scraping may help you are listed below.

Gaining Brand Clarity

Gaining Brand Clarity

Gaining clarity with customers and marketers is one of the most essential reasons for creating a smart brand architecture. Marketers must have a comprehensive understanding of how your numerous brands work together to develop an efficient marketing plan. If the variations between sub-brands aren’t obvious enough, buyers will have a difficult time distinguishing between them. This might cost you money if customers are less inclined to acquire complimentary items because they are unaware of their value.

You can scrape online sentiment data from customers utilizing social media sites and online reviews using X-Byte Enterprise Crawling’s scraping services. Fetching reviews might reveal useful information on how to make the design or purpose of a product more evident to potential customers. Social media comments may be used to get a sense of how your business is being received online. To assist magnify your brand, you may use a current narrative or create a stronger one.

Expanding Revenue via Cross-Selling

Expanding Revenue via Cross-Selling

Cross-selling is a beneficial method for driving future purchases for companies that fall under the ‘house of brands’ concept. For example, a company that owns both a laundry detergent and a dish soap brand may simply mix the two items in a way that consumers would like.

Scraping Product Reviews allows you to learn more about how people utilize certain items. Once you grasp this, it’ll be much easier to build consumer-friendly packages that address many concerns at once. You may design a pricing strategy for bundles that is more valuable than the individual goods by using internet retail sites to collect price data for rival products. After all, making a terrific deal on a bundle is difficult to refuse since it provides a customer with everything they want in one order at a lower price.


Encourage Greater Brand Communication

Encourage Greater Brand Communication

While the majority of these suggestions focus on growing brand recognition among customers, it’s just as crucial to make sure that all of your workers, executives, and shareholders are on the same page. Creating a unified message, especially for firms with several brands, creates a more productive workplace since employees in various sub-brands will have a better understanding of how their job is connected to one another.

Extracting Data using X-Byte Enterprise Crawling API

Extracting Data using X-Byte Enterprise Crawling API

It might be difficult to manually merge online data obtained through web scraping into pre-existing research tools since larger businesses are likely to have separate data departments for sub-brands. You may immediately import data obtained with our web scraping tools into your preferred software using our API. This makes it easy to aggregate data generated both internally and outside for better overall analysis. Combining the data with the aid of our API makes the process simpler and more successful when attempting to comprehend the beliefs of all your different businesses.

A scraping Tools allow you to acquire data in large quantities and quickly from a variety of data sources. If you consider data to be a resource, you’ll need the appropriate tools to extract it. Our scraper API will scrape your chosen source while simultaneously uploading all of information into a program, bypassing any intermediaries and directly connecting data to your functions.


By connecting your companies in the minds of your customers, they will be able to better comprehend your various items, resulting in more informed purchases and bundling. Brand architecture is the act of discovering how your brands are related and communicating this to consumers through clever ad campaigns or product bundles.

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