
Predictive analytics may now be used to estimate the worth of everything from a used automobile to a work of art, especially with the development of big data. Due to the numerous variables at play, real estate has historically struggled with analytical forecasting. The following are some of the most typical data points used to determine the value of real estate:

  • Amenities within walking distance
  • Location
  • Public transit options are available.
  • Rental returns
  • The distance to the closest airport
  • The overall square footage, as well as the number of rooms and bathrooms

All of this will only provide you with a specific understanding of real estate data analytics since, in today’s environment, you must zoom out to get the whole picture. Only then will you be able to consider the following complex aspects:

  • Airbnb prices
  • Annual tourist traffic and tourist attractions
  • Colleges or Workplaces located around the area
  • Crime cases
  • Highway distance
  • Latest Infrastructure projects

Necessary Data Points, Rather Than Predicting Prices

There are 12 data points shown, but if you construct an excel sheet for each real estate property on your list, you may have anywhere from 25 to 100 data points. To tackle this challenge, we can now employ Big Data to perform predictive analytics and modeling. For any number of attributes, models may be trained on any number of data points. The value of current or forthcoming real estate projects may then be forecasted using these.

One thing to keep in mind is that, for the best results, commercial and residential buildings are assessed individually. Predictive real estate analytics is most commonly used for property appraisals, but there are other applications as well

Keeping Track of Long and Short-Term Rental Yields


Previously, both business and residential buildings were connected with exclusively long-term rents lasting many years. The scene has shifted because of companies like Airbnb and WeWork. Individuals may now hire hot-desks for a single day, and businesses can rent conference spaces for a few hours. Instead of purchasing a hotel room, many are renting a house or simply a single room for a few days. Before investing in a home in this new environment, you would need to consider both short- and long-term rental yields. Big data analytics can assist you in approaching the real statistics that you may accomplish.

Increasing the Impact of Development Projects


Individuals and businesses aren’t the only ones that need to evaluate real estate data to generate money. Governments and organizations frequently need to evaluate data to determine what to construct and where to put it so that the local community benefits. This may be used to respond to inquiries such as –

  • Where a new school should be built in a city?
  • Points where a mass transportation system, such as metro rail, should travel through
  • How far away from residential areas do commercial structures, such as malls, need to be?
  • What open spaces should be turned into parks?

Improving Marketing Techniques


To leverage predictive real estate analytics data while marketing a property to investors or purchasers, you need to provide them with a bigger picture. This should contain points that aren’t visible without the dataset you’re working with. You may even offer a comparative analysis of comparable homes to assist others to understand how a new property might fare in the market. Big data analytics on real estate data may help you better understand the market and the assets you have in your hands, whether you are a builder or a broker.

Identifying Infrastructural Trends


The markets do not continue to rise or fall. They have ups and downs in their economic cycles. The 2008 financial crisis caused one such trend reversal. Another was generated lately by the Covid-19 epidemic. However, these are broader patterns. You’ll need a significant quantity of data and some number crunching algorithms to be able to discover patterns at a microscopic level by analyzing attributes in certain locations.

Recognizing Customer Needs


Builders must decide several factors, much as governments must pick which location would be most suited for new public infrastructure.

  • Where do you want to build?
  • Which features should be included?
  • The building’s appearance and atmosphere
  • The intended purchasers or investors
  • Plans for both short and long-term development are available.

Big data would be responsible for predicting or deciphering the answers to all of these queries. To evaluate the feasibility and return on investment, you’ll need to look at properties that are comparable to the one you plan to develop.


Today’s real estate selections are based on a wealth of information. In the realm of real estate data analytics, firms like McKinsey & Company are issuing papers like this one on the utility of data (both traditional and non-traditional). In such a setting, particularly in the face of rapidly changing economic indicators such as wars, epidemics, and financial market fluctuations, only those that use data would emerge victorious.

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